Help us promote the Reinstatement of Private Health Fund Rebates for Bowen Therapy
The Natural Therapy Expert Advisory Review Panel has completed their investigations into the reinstatement of complementary therapies into the health fund rebate system. A report will be tabled to Health and Aged Care Minister Mark Butler [...]
A wonderful way to give a thoughtful gift!
A gift to the Tom Bowen Legacy Trust Fund as a Gift eCard is a wonderful way to give a thoughtful gift to friends, family and co-workers to truly reflect the meaning of giving. The Tom Bowen Legacy [...]
Do you hear a whisper or a scream?
Our bodies are always communicating with us. What is yours telling you today?
Where’s Your Wallet?
You've probably heard your Bowen therapist tell you not to wear your wallet in your back pocket. This photo illustrates why! It can lead to muscle imbalances, joint strain, and nerve irritation. Photo credit: Walters Chiropractic [...]
Keep your fascia healthy
Keep your fascia healthy with proper hydration, movement, and Bowentherapy! “Our skin, bones, muscles, and organs are all connected by collagen-rich 'connective tissue' that runs throughout our bodies and carries electrical messages throughout our systems instantaneously. If you [...]
Facemask causing discomfort?
Face mask causing discomfort? The strings can pull on the ear and chin disrupting the muscles and nerves that innervate the face and jaw. This can radiate to the head causing headaches and shoulder pain. Additionally, Ill-fitting masks [...]