Welcome to the Bowen Association of Australia

The Association is the organisation for Bowen Technique practitioners, providing professional guidelines and support for Bowen Therapists in Australia, and provides our members with professional recognition as a Registered Bowen Technique practitioner. It also acts as a voice between the practitioner and the teaching arm of Bowen, which is the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia or with the affiliated Bowen Training Australia. It is committed to maintaining the highest standard of education and training of Bowen Technique, and to sponsoring research.

We are very pleased to announce our conference scheduled for the 2nd and 3rd May 2026 in Geelong.

Subscribe and be updated on all the 2026 BAA Conference details as they come to hand.

Watch the Latest Webinar recording

Engaging All the Senses

Presenter – Margaret Spicer

New Year, New Webinar!

Kickstart 2025 with Margaret Spicer.

This insightful webinar dives into how to combine what you observe, feel, and sense during palpation, movement, and client interactions to better understand their needs.

Discover how to help clients reconnect with their bodies, fostering embodiment and awareness during treatments, and learn to identify the signs of disconnection — when clients are living in their minds instead of their bodies — and why addressing this is key to their healing journey.

Available online now!

Members: https://www.bowen.org.au/login/

Non-members: https://programs.bowen.org.au/shop_1/

Don’t miss out on this valuable resource to deepen your practice! Cat2 CEU points available for Members

Use the links above to check out a growing catalogue of webinars and other available resources. 

Bowen Therapy

The Benefits!

Bowen Therapy - What Can It Do For You?

Bowen Therapy is extremely gentle and is considered appropriate for anyone from pregnant women to newborn babies, the frail and the elderly.

Learn more>

Is Your Practitioner Qualified?

And Compliant With Continuing Education Requirements?

Find A Qualified Bowen Therapist In Your Area

We highly recommend that you always check that your Bowen Therapist is a member of a professional association such as the Bowen Association of Australia

Find A Practitioner Here>

Who We Are

The Association is the organisation for Bowen Technique practitioners, providing professional guidelines and support for Bowen Therapists in Australia

We Are Committed!

To maintaining the highest standard of education and training of Bowen Technique, and to sponsoring research.

Learn more about the Bowen Association of Australia >

To develop and maintain the highest professional standards of conduct and practice amongst the members by means of education, training, codes of ethics and conduct and disciplinary procedures.